Friday, November 19, 2010

time's up

filter forest,
pilfer wood,
cobalt warm,
molten gold,
"gabriel's eyes",
the salesman wails,
leftover rice
mark carbon trace.
torrid riddance
is a baked apple,
hold your fire,
the steeple's feeble.
river rhyme,
flooded pine
its time its time


nefertiti_xxxx said...

enjoyed the word play thoroughly. dint try linking it up really, the ending line sums the threads up, methinks. thankee

defaulter's blog said...

i think this is one of those impromptu reactions to people when they talk of forests, animals, humans. it was some reaction to Forest Right Act and whether forests are humans or for say, tiger. and other such thing. also feeble steeple signifies the state which has become weak as industries continue to bomb it for mining rights and other things and finally there are these floods which go as high as the pines. so time as a human conception goes up. i